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A Chance to Collab with Cary Founded (Part 1)

As we are Looking Out Across the Landscape of Downtown Cary, the addition on Chatham called the Rogers has caught our eye, and likely yours too. Rogers West & East will be a mix of retail and office space. Part of that office space is a spin-off from Raleigh Founded, and a new co-working community called Cary Founded.

We had a cup of coffee at Esteamed with Rebekah Gregg from Raleigh Founded to get some details on the new project. Here’s some of that conversation:

DowntownCaryNC.org (DTC): Tell us about the new Cary Founded project. Where did it originate? And who is leading the effort to bring it to Cary?

Rebekah Gregg (RG): Chatham Street Commercial did the Rogers renovation and we partnered with them on Cary Founded. The Founded Communities team has curated communities in Raleigh, Winston Salem, Greenville, SC, and more. Raleigh is the flagship and first, Raleigh Founded, and we’re excited to lead the charge now in Cary to curate community and connections. 

Cary is home to many entrepreneurs and we’re excited to offer a place that they can call home in the heart of downtown! We hope that Cary Founded will be part of making Downtown Cary a collaborative space that is hyper-focused on supporting local. We’re here to uplift local businesses and startups, spotlighting them to the Cary community and helping them scale beyond. 

DTC: What will the space look like, and more importantly, what will the vibe be like there?

RG: Expect to see a warm, modern, energetic and community-centered space. Think about things like espresso machines, local coffee and beer on tap, a communal kitchen, cafe space and classroom space for community events. We’re creating a welcoming and inclusive vibe that is altruistic centered.

DTC: Who should be looking into this? What kind of companies, businesses, entrepreneurs, and people are you hoping to have call Cary Founded home?

RG: Our space will be home to startups, local businesses, community centered individuals and people who love Cary and want to see it continue to grow.

DTC: Tell us about some of your collaborative events that you have coming up?

RG: We have been hosting Cary Social Hours, our next will be Thursday, July 20th from 6-8pm at RBF. These events are a great opportinity to meet new people and explore some f the coolest new bars downtown. We also have a Women’s Market in Collaboration with RBF, Cotton House, and Blush Coworking planned for August 5th, with the mantra of “By Women, For Everyone” in order to showcase women-owned small & local businesses. Interested in seeing a sneak peak of the space? Sign up for a hard hat tour here! You can also stay up to date on our upcoming events here!

DTC: What about Downtown Cary makes this a fun project for y’all?

RG: Bringing this to Cary has been a blast. I don’t feel like there’s a lot of spaces, especially any downtown that are catering to this audience and supporting local entrepreneurs like this.

Cary is becoming a budding place for foot traffic, with the park opening and latest breweries, it’s becoming a place to live, play, and work, and we’re excited to be part of the fabric of Downtown Cary.

As for learning more about what we’re doing, you can get more info by going to our website here or reaching out to info@caryfounded.com, and give us a follow on Instagram too!